Top Places to Visit on the Mornington Peninsula
Sunny Ridge Strawberry Farm- Main Ridge
Pick strawberries straight off the plant at this family-run farm. Berries are rich in antioxidants that improve your health, protect your skin and hair and help your body fight against diseases. Not only are they nutritious they are sweet, juicy and delicious. Picking berries is a fun way to enjoy the great outdoors, soak up some sun and stay active. Sunny Ridge also offers a variety of gourmet products, jams and syrups, fresh and frozen strawberries, honey, ice-cream and sorbet and hand crafted goods for sale. A must visit is their dessert cafe featuring fresh Sunny Ridge strawberries, farm made strawberry ice cream and sorbet, strawberry pancakes, Belgian chocolate fondue, vanilla bean panacotta with strawberries and many more.
Check out their website at for picking times and opening hours.
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