0477 995 466
Our black stretch hummer is an excellent choice for limo hire in and around Melbourne.
Number of Guests123456789101112131415
Confirm LimoBlack Stretch
Select OccasionWine TourWeddingConcert / ShowCorporateBuck's NightHen's NightSport Event TransferAirport TransferBirthdayKid's Party (Girl)Kid's Party (Boy)Teen PartySchool FormalGraduationDebutant BallOther - Please specify in the note section below
NUMBER OF GUESTS 123456789101112131415161718
CHOOSE YOUR LIMO Black Hummer Super StretchBlack Hummer StretchPink Hummer Super StretchDodge Nitro
SERVICE WeddingBirthdaySpecial EventChildren's PartyCorporate PartyBuck's NightHen's NightSports Event TransferSchool FormalGraduationDebutant BallWine Tour